
Alchemists Wanted

Are you an alchemist or an "alchemist?" Fyrne is always looking for a new potion dealer for the lowest price or best quality (depending on what comes first).

In Need of A Supplier?

Fyrne is a gleaner who travels far and wide for his work; If you need something from distant lands, he may be able to find it for you along the way.

Familiar Foes

Have you ever been in a bar fight with a white- or green-haired (alleged) Miqo'te, or fought against one in the Coliseum/Ul Cup? Have you ever wanted to relive those glory days? Now's your chance.

Steppe Residents

One place Fyrne remembers fondly on his travels is the Azim Steppe, which he travels to annually. If you pass by often or live in the area, perhaps you've shared a meal with him.

Fellow Ul'dahns

Passing through Ul'dah or living there, you may have spotted a particularly cantankerous kitten running about... Even though he's grown (and changed a LOT), that spirit of a feral and free child still resides within him. Maybe you knew him a little as a fellow orphan or street-wandering Ul'dahn, as a nuisance, or as a supplier of meats/skins.

Something Completely Different

Maybe none of these are applicable, or strike your fancy, and you still want to RP. Contact me and I can let you know if it's something I'm interested in!