The Dark and Tragic Backstory


When he was seven summers old, Fyrne and his family were caught up in the the windfall of voidsent activity en route to Ul'dah. He managed to survive, but his parents' mangled bodies told him he was the only one to do so. Alone he wandered the desert of Thanalan until a merchant picked him up, bringing him to Ul'dah to be tended to. The chirurgeons were overworked, however, and didn't notice the small child duck out of the office. Disoriented and still in shock, he walked around the city in hopes of finding someone... something... and he remained there for most of his life. What few memories he had of his parents or the event that led him there slipped away in the aftermath, leading him to believe he'd lived there his whole life.

He grew up in the streets of Ul'dah, forgotten by most and unseen by all. He scrounged his way through life, subsisting on small game and selling their pelts for a pinch of gil. He got bored with this and began to challenge himself with larger game, eventually garnering the mild interest of the Coliseum. He took their offer and began to fight, losing miserably over and over for years. He made a pittance as compensation for his matches, enough to buy salves for his wounds and a bit of spice for his meats, but nothing more. To train, he would go to taverns and dives, fake being drunk (or, later on, get actually drunk) and start brawls to practice his fighting skills in a natural environment.

As time went on, he got better and better; then, a few short months after he had finally begun to consistently win his matches, he was given an invitation to the prestigious Ul Cup. He didn't win, no, but it marked the beginning of his winning streak. After two or three years of Coliseum matches and championships, he finally won the Ul Cup.

Fyrne decided to spend his earnings traveling the world, seeing corners of it that he'd only dreamed of from the safety of Ul'dah's bosom. His travels led him to far-flung places— Kugane, the Azim Steppe, Sharlayan, and Thavnair, to name a few— where he would remain for a few months before moving on. He lingered a while longer in Sharlayan, though, intrigued by the work of their gleaners... and was enthralled enough by the work to apply to be one. While he may not have the technical skill that some boast, he has the spirit, and that's all that matters.

Present Day

He has recently received a letter from some people claiming to be his parents... and, upon meeting them, confirmed that that are indeed his family. Feeling like a disappointment to his parents, he has decided to try and change his ways. That means: no drinking, more socializing, less wandering. It's going less than ideal.

He is still a gleaner for Sharlayan, but travels far distances using cutting-edge Sharlayan methods (alongside many, many aether sickness potions).