17th Sun of the Fourth Astral Moon
Transcribed by King Ismene
“Wynn has been getting me to do various tasks to test their new gear, but it's been difficult balancing their requests with my jobs.
My time in Eorzea is almost up, and Wynn is eager to return to their home, so I’ve decided that Scíth na Gréine will be my destination after delivering these samples to the appropriate researchers in Sharlayan. I fear if I don't go, they'll either explode in anticipation or kill me in my sleep they have so much to share and I'm not a particularly good listener. Especially not compared to their actual peers, who probably get the technological gibberish a lot better than me... Ah. There is, however, one obstacle— if you get any closer with that needle I will gouge your fucking eyes out,” you hissed at an approaching doctor. They backed away, because you looked much like a feral animal when you brandished that knife. You groaned and growled in pain, gingerly touching the bandages covering your abdomen with your free hand. They were turning a lovely shade of red. “A pack of wyverns thought I'd make a good meal when I was out in Coerthas yesterday looking for a sample. My chocobo took as many hits as he could for me, which gave me enough time to retreat to safety... I have not seen him since, nor any signs of his demise, so I can only hope he ran away and hid somewhere safe. Coerthas is a land of predators, in my experience, and visitors are simply prey not hunted. Being held back by the injuries is already trepidatious as it is, so... He'll have to just fend for himself for now.
We will likely be waylaid for a week or two, depending on how long it takes for these chirurgeons to leave me alone. Hopefully the idleness does not drive Wynn mad— as it will me, likely."
— Fern