Wynn's Diary!! Entry 18
It finally happened! I was finally able to see a mage (that is what magic users are called) do things! Fyrne had to hire one to help him with getting a cutting of a very lively plant called a More-bull. He did not seem happy about the situation, but said it was okay for me to watch from his shoulder instead of the stuffy pocket. I drew as much as I could so that I could show everyone back at the colony what it was like, as well as how it works! The greatest part is that I now know enough to replicate the functions of aetheric conduction; were I any other creature, I would say I was just “testing a theory,” but I know I am right! I hope this will make Fyrne happy. He lives in a world full of happiness and pain, which he should feel, but he is not affected. The pain is nothing compared to the joy I have felt in these days with him, from others and from these experiences; it is more than I have ever felt in the colony. And yet, he does not smile honestly when he is with others, or with anyone. He does not smile despite the world he lives in. I wonder if he is not made of the same aura as us. I will begin working on my prototype tonight. Lovingly, Wynn